Besides IQ, this is a factor that parents need to nurture to determine the success of their children in the future According to psychologi...
Besides IQ, this is a factor that parents need to nurture to determine the success of their children in the future
According to psychologist Irish Movido, 80% of success is determined by emotions while IQ - IQ only accounts for 20%.
High scores, academic excellence, even prestigious awards are not an accurate indicator of one's success.
“There is no formula or rule to succeed in life.
But most of the best individuals often devote their time to creativity, innovation and learning to think beyond boundaries, ”Movido stressed
According to Movido, emotional intelligence is divided into 5 factors, namely: understanding yourself, controlling yourself, personal motivation, empathy and social skills.
So how to cultivate emotional intelligence for children? Here are 5 ways Movido suggests for parents.
1. Help your child understand his or her feelings
The first level of emotional intelligence is self-knowledge, including emotional awareness.
Children often have a hard time expressing the emotions they are experiencing. This leads to sudden anger when they feel overwhelmed.
As a parent, you need to be gentle and understand. Instead of forcing your child to be like this, to be like that, let him be open to talking about his feelings.
The important thing you should do is make your child feel safe and trusting. Always teach your children that they cannot choose their emotions, but it is the children who decide what to do with them.
2. Unlimited emotions
The nature of children is impulsive and often cannot control emotions.
However, parents do not limit their emotions, only intervene promptly when they see their children behave inappropriately or when children become violent with themselves and others.
According to Movido, the "traffic light" method will be very helpful in these situations. First, remind your child to stop, just like when you see a red light.
Next to the yellow light, ask your child to think about what to do and what not to do. Finally, the green light, parents need to guide their children to choose the best solution.
3. Recognize your efforts
The third element of emotional intelligence is motivation. Recognizing efforts rather than results is important in cultivating the emotional intelligence of children.
Parents should always remind their children that perseverance and hard work to achieve goals are more meaningful than their own accomplishments.
4. Teach your children empathy
According to Movido, children from the age of 2 can already empathize, although they may not fully understand it. friv
For example, when children see their friends crying, they will cry because they feel what you are going through.
However, as they grow older, they realize that what causes pain to others may not make them feel sad. This is exactly the importance of parents should teach their children empathy.
When you tell about something that happened to someone in school, ask if you were them, what would you feel.
Learning how to establish relationships with others through words and gestures will help children to be kind, considerate, caring and thinking about their work.
5. Encourage your child to talk and build relationships
The last element of emotional intelligence is managing relationships. At home, parents should regularly communicate and talk openly with their children to teach them how to connect, exchange information and have a sense of respect for others.
This is a simple but effective way to cultivate emotional intelligence for children.
Because when exposed to many ideas, opinions, children will become more flexible in thinking. From there, they are easier to accept and tolerate with others as well as with themselves.